The two essential aspects of human connection are communication and comprehension. Tone plays a significant role in helping the recipient of information bridge the gaps that exist between communication and comprehension. Tone detection might be easier in real-time, face-to-face communication, but it is difficult to detect tone through text messages. Hence, the use of tone tags or tone indicators in text messages and social media chat boxes will help us detect the true emotional meaning of a text message.
Tone indicators or tone tags might come in as a handy tool in interpreting the text messages received through SMS and social media chat boxes for both professional and non-professional purposes. The usage of tone tags will help neurodivergent people understand the intention behind a text message in a non-confusing manner. We have to note that the use of tone tags isn’t exclusive to neurodivergent people on the internet; even neurotypical people who find it difficult to understand the intention behind a text message can make use of tone tags. Discover the full list of tone tags, how to use them, and the best practices you can put in place to enhance your online conversations.
What are Tone Indicators?
“Tone indicators” or “Tone Tags” are representations in the form of symbols used at the end of a text message to convey the intent behind the written message. The text includes messages received through SMS, emails, digital communication, social media chat boxes, or any type of online communication channels that use the internet. Tone tagged abbreviations usually consist of short forms of adjectives or, in some cases, adjective sentences that highlight the intent behind the text message, giving no room for ambiguity. The short-form adjectives are usually written as abbreviations followed by the slash “/”. For example: if the message reads, “I hate you /srs”. Here, “/srs” means serious, indicating the intention behind the message is serious and the sender meant what they sent. There are many more tone tags like “/cb”, “/hyb”, “/p”, “/neg” which mean clickbait, hyperbole, positive, and negative connotations, and which can be used in different contexts depending on the message sent.
A tone indicator can be defined as a symbol or shorthand word used to convey the tone of any text-based message.
The main objective behind the usage of short-form adjective abbreviations is to keep the emotional intent behind the message clear, precise, and direct, giving no room for misinterpretation. Tone tags might also take several forms, like emojis, emoticons, acronyms, or abbreviations that convey the intent of the sender. This guide to tone tags will focus on the use of tone tags as abbreviations.
Tone tags play a vital role in official, business-related texts, where both communication and comprehension intertwine in the furtherance of the business. A possible scenario without the use of tone tags might lead the recipient of a text message into making assumptions and presumptions. The use of tags can avert such a scenario. In addition to this, tone tags can be used when the sender and recipient of the texts are discussing sensitive topics, global geopolitical issues, or when the sender of the message wants to text without giving room for misinterpretation.
The use of tone tags in informal and unofficial communications on the internet is optional. Tone tags needn’t be used in academic writing or when texting a family member or friend who is well-versed in the texting habits of the sender, or if the intent of the text message is clear without the use of tone tags.
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History and evolution of Tone Tags
The history and evolution of “Tone Tags” and their usage in modern times can be traced from two perspectives.
The first perspective is the evolution of tone tags from internet slang. Internet slang basically refers to the non-standardised and informal means of communication through the internet. The origin and evolution of this means of communication date back to times before the discovery of the internet and to times after the discovery of the internet. Internet slang was initially used in Usenet formats. The development of online multiplayer video games, chat rooms, and other forms of digital communication involved the use of internet slang. Presently, internet slang includes video essays, reels, memes, meme templates, tweets, and other forms of digital communication that are used to convey the intent of a particular message. Internet slang terms are also used in real-time face-to-face communication. Similarly, the use of tone tags can be viewed as an extension of internet slang.
The second perspective includes the early evolutionary history of specific tone tags that were used in print media to communicate irony and rhetorical questions. The earliest can be dated back to the 1580s, where Henry Denham used the reverse question mark as a representation of irony, and John Wilkins in 1668 used the reverse exclamation mark to denote an ironic statement. In 1982, emoticons such as “:-)” and “:-(“ were created in the ASCII format to denote happiness and sadness respectively. These were later used as a base to create emojis. In 2010, a company in the United States named Sarcastic Inc. used the “SarcMark” to denote sarcastic phrases on the internet.
At present, there is a comprehensive list of tone tags that can be used to bridge the gap that exists between communication and comprehension. People using TikTok, Tumblr, X, Instagram, and Threads by Instagram use tone tags at the end of their sentences. It has also proved to be a useful tool for neurodivergent people to engage in conversations with neurotypical people on the internet.
Tone Indicators List
Here is a list of popular tone indicators and what they mean.
/c – copypasta: This means the sender of the text has copy-pasted its contents across multiple internet forums.
/f – fake: This means that the sender believes that the sent message is unoriginal and fake.
/g or /gen – genuine: This means that the sender has sent the text with genuine intention.
/j – joking: This means that the sender meant their sent text as a joke.
/lh – light-hearted: This means that the sender meant their sent text in a light-hearted way.
/neg or /nc – negative connotation: This means that the sender meant the text to be taken in a negative way. This could either be criticism, negative feedback, or highlighting a serious shortcoming.
/neu – neutral connotation: This means that the sender meant the text to maintain its neutrality.
/pos or /pc – positive connotation: This means that the sender meant the text in a positive way. This could be a compliment, appreciation, or positive feedback.
/s – sarcastic: This means that the sender intended their sent text to be sarcastic.
/srs – serious: This means that the sender intended the text to mean something serious.
These are some of the most commonly used tone tags. The list is not exhaustive, and there are several other tone tags that can be used depending on the context of the textual conversation. You can use the tone indicators list to improve your online communication skills. You can also create a list of your frequently used online tone tags and share it with your friends.
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How to use tone Indicators effectively ?
It is important to note that we need to be mindful of certain practices while putting tone indicators to use. This will help us understand how to use them effectively in text-based conversations. Here are some of the practices you can be mindful of while incorporating tone tags in text-based communication.
Place them at the end of a sentence: It is important to place the tone tags at the end of each sentence because it will help the readers of the text understand the intent behind the text message. Some people commit the mistake of using tone tags both at the beginning and the end of the sentence. We need to understand that the tags should be placed only at the end of the sentence.
Match the tone tags to the context of textual communication: Understanding the context of textual communication plays a crucial role in using tone tags. Personal tone tags signifying love, platonic relationships, and emotional conversations through text shouldn’t be used in professional textual contexts and vice versa. It is important to look into what tags would apply to the given context. If the use of tone tags doesn’t fit the context of the textual communication, then the existing gap between communication and comprehension is only prone to increase. Hence, it is always better to communicate about the context of the textual conversations to use tone tags appropriately.
Use them sparingly for clarity: It would be better to stick to a maximum of one or two tone tags at the end of each text to avoid vagueness. Sometimes, depending on the context of the textual communication, people might use adjectival sentences as tone indicators. At the outset, using more than two tone tags at the end of each sentence will only give rise to more confusion. Hence, it is advisable to use them sparingly.
Best practices for using Tone Indicators
The main objective of using tone indicators is to avoid ambiguity by bridging the gap between communication and comprehension; hence, it is important to remind ourselves that the use of tone indicators shouldn’t result in the text being more ambiguous to the reader. To avoid such a scenario, we need to use the best practices for tone indicator etiquette. Kindly make a note of some of the best practices in using tone indicators.
Avoid overusing tone indicators: Overusing tone indicators might lead to confusion and misinterpretation; hence, it is always better to stick to a maximum of one or two tone tags at the end of each sentence.
Respect other users’ preferences: Before using tone tags in a textual conversation, we need to ask the recipient if they are comfortable with the use of tone tags through texts. If they express doubts, we can get them clarified. But if we end up using tone tags without considering the preference of the recipient, it will lead to more ambiguity. Therefore, it is always important to understand the textual preferences of the receiver before using tone tags.
Never use tone tags sarcastically: One of the main objectives of using tone tags is to make people understand the true emotional meaning of a text message. This is one of the main reasons why tone tags shouldn’t be used jokingly or sarcastically.
Be consistent across platforms: Tone indicators can be used in SMS, email, social media chat boxes, and apps designed for professional communication. To maintain a consistent tone, use tone tags that match the conversational purpose of the texts. Kindly communicate beforehand on what are some of the areas of textual communication that would mandatorily require the use of tags and some areas where the use of tone tags could be optional. These practices will help in maintaining consistency across platforms.
Ask for clarification when unsure: If you are confused about the usage of tone tags in their contexts, it is always better to get your doubts clarified. This would help in avoiding mistakes and misunderstandings.
Use tone tags in appropriate contexts: It is essential to be mindful of the context of textual communication before using tone tags. Communication regarding the preferences of using tone tags, the reader’s convenience and acceptance, in addition to the use of appropriate tone tags to fit the context of textual communications, are absolute non-negotiables when it comes to the usage of tone tags. Hence, it is always wise to be aware of the contexts of communication to understand the usage of tone tags in the appropriate contexts.
Sentences with Tone Indicators
Here are some examples of tone indicators used in sentences:
“I can’t believe you did that! /j”
This means that the sender intends to communicate to the receiver that they knew the receiver would act in a particular way in a given scenario, but they remarked that they weren’t aware of how the receiver would act in a particular scenario in a joking way.
“You’re so silly /lh”
This means that the sender intends to communicate the message in a light-hearted way.
“We need to talk about this seriously /srs”
This message indicates that the sender intends to have a serious textual conversation with the receiver.
“The universe conspires in your favour to help you achieve your dreams/pc.”
This means that the sender intends to communicate that people will help the receiver in achieving their dreams in a positive sense. Here “/pc” has a positive connotation.
“As if someone takes John’s actions seriously/s.”
This means that the sender of the text intended it in a sarcastic way.
In hindsight, it is important to understand that the etiquettes and practices with respect to the usage of tone indicators can change and evolve over time. In addition to this, we need to understand that the importance of tone indicators is not limited to abbreviations alone. Acronyms, emojis, and emoticons can also be used interchangeably with abbreviations, complementing the context of the textual communication in helping the reader understand the emotional intent behind the text message.
When put to effective use, tone indicators can function as an important instrument in bridging the gaps between communication and comprehension through online texts. You can start by incorporating tone indicators into your written texts as soon as possible. You can reach out to us for more communication tips.
FAQs on Tone Indicators
What are Tone Indicators?
A tone indicator is a notation or a symbol used at the end of a text message to convey the real emotional intent behind the text message.
How do Tone Indicators work?
Tone indicators are added at the end of the text message. It is an abbreviation of an adjective preceded by a slash at the end of each sentence.
When to use Tone Indicators?
Tone indicators can be used in both professional and non-professional means of communication through the internet in text messages.
Why are Tone Tags important in online communication?
In the absence of tone tags, sent texts might give room to misunderstanding and misinterpretation concerning the tone of a text. When tone tags are present at the end of the text, they convey the true emotional meaning behind the sent text.